We quit using antibacterial hand soaps in our house awhile back. I am just not comfortable with many of the toxic ingredients in them. (WellnessMama has a great article on it here. Here is another by Huffington Post.) We tried using bar soap in the guest bathroom but with so many people using it it stayed wet and became goopy. We have been using store bought “natural” liquid hand soap until recently. Several of our soap customers have come to me saying they made a liquid hand soap using our bar soap. I thought I would share a recipe for homemade liquid hand soap with you. This recipe is simple and easy to do.
You can use any of our regular soaps. Although one of our customers made it out of the Clear Night Acne Soap because she felt that it would have a little more “umph” on killing germs during cold season.
What you’ll need:
1 oz of finely grated bar soap
1 quart of distilled or filtered water
1 soap dispenser (here is a great way to reuse one)
Place the grated bar soap and the water in a sauce pan.
Turn the heat to medium and stir until the soap has dissolved.
Let this cool completely before pouring into your soap dispenser.
This soap will be thinner than normal store bought soap. You could add more soap but it can clog your soap pump.
The basis for this recipe comes from Wellness Mama, love her stuff.