Organic Basic Lotion


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This lotion is our Basic Lotion only better! This lotion has olive oil and tallow from farms using organic practices. Using an all “organic” base means you are getting even more nourishment and fewer risks. The tallow for this lotion comes from our local Amish farmer and the olive oil comes from California where it is hand picked and cold processed.

*Please note our essential oils are NOT organic.

Find out why our Basic Lotion works so well here.

Here is a review from our Etsy shop for this lotion.

“Just wanted to start out by saying that I was given a free sample of the basic lotion to help with my blisters caused by chemo that I take. The seller graciously sent me the sample because she thought it would help, and boy, did it. I have since bought a large container of it and use it on everything! My husband got a bad sunburn at work and I smeared it all over and it took the pain away immediately, the swelling went down, and peeling has been at a minimum. I have spent hundreds of dollars on lotions, creams, and salves that have done absolutely nothing for my blisters. They are painful and peel so bad that the tender skin is exposed and I need something to penetrate deeply into the skin to help it. And this lotion does that. I am forever grateful for the seller, she sent me this lotion to help me, and it does tremendously!”

INGREDIENTS: Organic grass fed tallow, Organic Olive oil, Essential oils of choice

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4 oz, 8 oz

1 review for Organic Basic Lotion

  1. Renee

    Thank you so much for making a soothing healing lotion. I finally decided to try your natural lotion instead of my expensive topical treatment on my ragingly inflamed skin that seems to nightly pain and scab. As soon as I applied the tallow olive oil lotion it cooled and stopped burning!!
    I’ve been carrying around a small tin in my purse of it religiously to apply on the chin area that inflames from the environment when I run into chemicals, scents, etc… that give me this scaly raised red eczema type skin patch.
    Every time I remember to apply your lotion, I stop clawing and scratching at the area.
    No doctor has solved this in over 23 yrs. and the only topical thing that works has steroids and costs me over $200 a tube.
    Now I only need your basic lotion and my skin is calmer, and I’m sleeping better thanks to it vs waking to scratch!
    Thank you littleredhensoap!!

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